The Nativity

Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter and son of David, the King of the Jews. They live in Nazareth in Galilee.
One day the angel Gabriel came to announce to him: "Hail, you to whom grace has been given, the Lord is with you"
God chose her to carry her baby Jesus and thanks to faith, Mary accepts.

A few months later, Mary and Joseph left on donkeys for Bethlehem.
Marie carried the child in her womb. Arrived in Bethlehem, all the inns were full, there was no more room ... Mary and Joseph had to ask for accommodation in a stable. During the night, Mary gave birth to Jesus.

Near the stable, a group of shepherds guarded their flocks, are informed first by angels of the birth of the Savior. They then go in search of Jesus. they discovered the child as the angel had told them. Their joy was so immense that they ran to announce the good day.

Three Three Kings, Gaspard, Melchior and Balthazar, coming from the East guided by the light of the Shepherd's Star, made the road to Bethlehem. They visited King Herod asking him "Where is the newborn king?" Herod surprised, asked them to warn him when they would have found him so as to go and greet him as well. The three wise men continued their journey and found Jesus in the stable, in the arms of Mary. They knelt before him in respect and offered him gold, myrrh and frankincense. Then returned home without warning King Herod.

When Herod understood that the Magi would never go to see him, he got angry and wanted to kill Jesus. Herod was the one and only king of Judea! One night an angel appeared in Joseph's dreams to warn him of danger. The angel asked him to wake up Mary, to take the child with them and to run away. Joseph listened to him and the family left without telling anyone. Mary, Joseph and Jesus took refuge in Egypt where they waited for Herod's death to return to their country.

